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Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal

Services provided by the computer repair company
Virus, Spyware and Malware Infection Brisbane and Gold Coast

Malware including viruses, spyware, rootkits and bootkits are an increasing threat to computers that are connected to the internet. Due to the vast number of viruses created every day your Virus Protection software might not be able to prevent all infections. CompuRepair can remove even the most sophisticated infections. Our virus removal team in Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast are regularly trained to remove even the most difficult infections.

How do I know if my computer is infected? There are a number of signs that your computer has a virus - slow performance, unable to launch programs, WEB pages are getting redirected, etc. - the only way to know for sure is to have your computer thoroughly scanned for virus infections.

CompuRepair technicians are well trained and can handle any type of: virus removal, trojan removal, rootkit removal, bootkit removal, spyware removal, adware removal, malware removal, removal of malicious software and any other infections.

If your computer is infected or you need somebody to check your computer for infections, call us on: 0403-755-519. We are available 24/7 to perform virus removals.

We just used CompuRepair to fix a number of really annoying problems on our computer. We had got to a point where we could throw the thing out of the window but they fixed it and a number of other small problems within the hour.
Lynda, Wellington Point
Rogue Security Software Explained
What is Rogue Security Software?
Rogue security software, sometimes referred to as scareware, is software that appears to be beneficial from a security perspective but usually provides no security, generates incorrect or misleading alerts, or attempts to lure users into purchasing software.

How does Rogue Security Software get on my computer?
Rogue security software designers create legitimate looking applications that advertise security software. These windows might pop-up on your screen while you browse the WEB. The messages poping-up on screen ask you to take some sort of action, like clicking to install the software, to apply updates to your system, or to do a virus removal scan. Once you click on the message, the rogue security software downloads, installs and of course infects your computer. An example of a Rogue infection is the Rogue Security Center virus. This infection requires some serious virus removal.

What does it do?
Rogue security software might report a virus (Fake Alert) even though your computer is actually clean. Of course it will fail to report viruses in case your computer is infected. In most cases downloading rogue security software will install a virus or other malicious software on your computer. This infection is generally not reported and requires virus removal.

Backdoor Explained
What is Rogue Security Software?
A Backdoor Trojan opens a backdoor to your computer system. Sometimes they are referred to as Remote Access Trojans (RAT). They are common infections and one of the most dangerous type of trojan. Backdoor Trojans allow remote administration of your system as if a hacker was sitting at your keyboard, only worse. Once infected virus removal is necessary to remove the infection.

What does it do?
Backdoor Trojans might use your system and Internet connection to send spam (yes, the majority of spam is now generated by infected systems). Steal your online and offline passwords, credit card numbers, address, phone number, and other information stored on your computer that could be used for identity theft, or other financial fraud. Log your activity, read EMails, view and download contents of documents, pictures, videos and other private data. Use your computer and Internet connection, in conjunction with others to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Modify system files, disable antivirus, delete files, change system settings, to cover tracks, or just to wreak havoc. If you suspect you’re infected with a backdoor trojan, the first thing you should do is disconnect from the Internet to protect yourself, and others.

If your computer is infected call for help to avoid (further) damage. CompuRepair can remove most Backdoor Trojans, Rogues and their Rootkits, call us on: 0403-755-519. We are available 24/7 to perform virus removals.

PC repair Brisbane